Tak Table

The pure essence of a table.

The focus on the essentials determines the form and function of tak. Three simple, intuitive steps are all you need to operate the revolutionary extension. The uncompromisingly slim shape perfectly conceals its extension and at the same time offers seating with maximum legroom. As if it were assembled from flat surfaces, it combines organic accents with a cubist design language, both as a non-extendable table and as an extended one. The strong but slender solid wood panel, just 16 mm thick, can be extended to up to 3 m in length.

The minimalistic material thicknesses and organic curves that are typical for tak are also characteristic of the wooden base, giving our tak table its unique elegance and a refined design that conceals its enormous stability. The slim metal frame hides the same intuitive swivel technology as in the version with metal legs – and this makes it possible to easily extend the tak table by 50 or 100 cm in just three simple steps.

Tak – Tak – Tak.

You can whisper this to yourself while easily extending the tak table by up to 100 cm in three easy and intuitive steps. It hardly allows enough time to enjoy the smooth movement of the cushioned table inserts. Who would have thought that a simple table could contain so much comfort and convenience?


Precision down to the smallest detail.

The non-extendable tak table is made with the most up-to-date three-layer technology and is available in lengths of up to 3 m, despite the incredibly delicate material thickness of the table top. The table top has edges that are rounded downwards, which makes it appear even thinner and gives it a pleasantly soft feeling. The soft forms interlock with the triangle-shaped, downward-tapered legs.

These combine with the frame to create a unit that offers space for the extension technology and allows for the slim table design. Well-conceived to the last detail, the sophisticated construction preserves the elegant appearance of the frame even when extended.

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